Two of Lisa Kiser's piano students in Greenville were selected to appear on the national radio program From the Top that broadcasts on many NPR affiliated stations. We are proud to announce that Jason was also selected as a Jack Kent Cooke Scholar an honor that has been given to previous students of ours. Jennifer and Jason submitted their piano duo repertoire for the audition. They appeared on Show 404. Listen to it here: https://fromthetop.org/show/danse-macabre-13-year-old-violinist-more/
-Photo album for the show here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/fromthetopphotos/51588273096
A few days before the recordin I was surprised at the door by FedEx asking me to sign for a heavy container that was sitting on my porch. "Are you sure it is for me?" He said yes. I got it inside and couldn't help but crack it open. The recording equipment for the show was packed away neatly inside.

The day before the recording Lisa's student Jason was to set up everything. The audio engineer zoomed in to help. The show features our new to us Steinway D. Look at the dizzying array of equipment below:

The morning of the recording everyone was nervous. Lisa and I decided to leave the house. Everything was set up, zoom was connected, the gear was ready to go and Jason and Jennifer looked very nice for their recording and interview. What could go wrong? We went to Mr. Ks and then Jennifer called Lisa. "We need a page turner!" They were having issue turning the pages effectively and the producer for this episode pianist Orli Shaham wanted to see if a page turner would help. We rushed back and Lisa helped turn the pages for the recording. Shaham kept saying (helpfully) to breathe at the ends of the phrases.

Jennifer and Jason did a number of takes and then some spot work. The recording equipment was being controlled remotely while the team watched and coached from zoom.

There were at least four people from the the From the Top staff participating. I should mention that the late night before:

Jonathan Jacobs came out and tuned the piano. This was paid for by From the Top.
Please visit the show website I've linked above and congratulate Jennifer and Jason when you see them for this huge accomplishment!
—Lisa and David (Kiser Piano Studio, Greenville SC)